What is your favorite way to self care from home?
Spending some time looking out the window and thinking, having a nice shower and then putting some lotion on the entire body. If it’s food related, having a barbecue with some “caipirinha” or beers, spending time with my family, laughing and talking.
Lighting candles, having a glass of wine and watching a movie.
My home self care usually consists of time spent watching movies. My favorite currently is Knives Out. I also like to play video games.
My home self care usually consists of time spent watching movies. My favorite currently is Knives Out. I also like to play video games.
NSFW answer: masturbate. SFW answer: a book or a movie. 😇❤️
What is your favorite way to be cared for by a loved one?
Being asked if everything is ok, if I have eaten or drank water, talking about nothing that turns into an interesting conversation (if I may say that). My grandmother sending me emotes and messages on the phone.
I like when someone rubs my head and tell me everything is going to be okay
Telling me I don’t have to worry about something (i.e., chore, cleaning up, making dinner, etc.) because they’re taking care of it.
being held or hugged