Staff Favorites: Self Care
Staff Favorites: Self Care

Staff Favorites: Self Care

What is your favorite way to self care from home?

Spending some time looking out the window and thinking, having a nice shower and then putting some lotion on the entire body. If it’s food related, having a barbecue with some “caipirinha” or beers, spending time with my family, laughing and talking.

Lighting candles, having a glass of wine and watching a movie.

skin care or bubble baths

Making sure that I feel loved and know my worth.

My home self care usually consists of time spent watching movies. My favorite currently is Knives Out. I also like to play video games.

My home self care usually consists of time spent watching movies. My favorite currently is Knives Out. I also like to play video games.

NSFW answer: masturbate. SFW answer: a book or a movie. 😇❤️

What is your favorite way to be cared for by a loved one?

Being asked if everything is ok, if I have eaten or drank water, talking about nothing that turns into an interesting conversation (if I may say that). My grandmother sending me emotes and messages on the phone.

I like when someone rubs my head and tell me everything is going to be okay

Acts of service 😌

Telling me I don’t have to worry about something (i.e., chore, cleaning up, making dinner, etc.) because they’re taking care of it.

being held or hugged

My favorite way to be cared for by a loved one is to just spend time together. It could even be just in the same room doing separate things but just being near them. And hugs! One hug can go a long way to make me feel cared for and loved.